SeeClickFix (SCF) Dataset Benchmark [4]

The graph dataset is the result of the data modeling presented in the paper. The edges contains two attributes:

distance: the spatial distance between two vertexes (reports) in meters

- timedeltaDays: the temporal distance between two vertexes (reports) in days

The maximal value for the spatial distance is 1km and the maximal value for the temporal distance is 21 days. The user can then filter the edges based on the these parameters. The graph contains 34690 vertexes.

1) Graph 1 (17.2 MB): Data modeled without any constraints (1140387 edges).

2) Graph 2 (6.3 MB): Data modeled constraining the neighbourhood search among reports of the same category (389210 edges).

3) CSV (3.1 MB): Dataset as CSV